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In This Issue:

1. Broken News: National Strike Status; New Costa Rican Fiscal Plan; Futbol News: a. Sele Bouncing Back and b. Neighborhood Championship; Personal Milestone

2. Rumble and Weather Talk: Rains Lessesing; Turrialba Still Active

3. Feature: Profiles in Quepos: (Dr. Carlos Azofeifa and La Farmacia Economica)

4. ¿Que Es Eso? Department: Funny Fish - What Is It?

5. Feature: Making the Case for Quepos (Why People Move Here)

6. Health Stuff: Rabies Victim Dies; Kissing Bug

7. GGC Bookshelf and More: Books from GGC Publications, Golden Gringo T-Shirts and Coffee Mugs as Well as Suggested Books from the Quepos-Manuel Antonio Writers Group.

8. What's-in-a-Word: Answer to ¿Que Es Eso?, Chinche

9. ROMEO Corner: Cafe Milagro - Manuel Antonio


Wisdom of the Ages


The Golden Gringo and the entire staff of GGC Publications (guess who that is) wish you and yours every blessing and good wish for the holidays.



¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz Hanukkah Amigos!


Broken News
(All the News That's Fit to Reprint)

National Strike Status


You may recall that some forty plus labor organizations decided in early September to protest, by striking, pending legislation that would increase taxes and limit certain incomes. This action was taken in the middle of a new government trying to deal with an inherited 40% operating deficit.


Primary ans Secondary School
Teachers On Strike

Eventually all but the teachers union had their walkouts declared illegal and their workers then returned to work. The last one to be declared illegal was the education union and that was done on October 9 but it didn't last long as an appeals court reversed the earlier court decision. That union remains on strike.


Here are the effects on the country: 1) 23,000+ teachers have not been in the classroom teaching for over two months, 2) 76% of businesses reported income loss in September due to the strike; 3) most classes at public primary and secondary schools were, and continue to be, suspended; 4) students are negotiating a set of complex rules that will permit them to be advanced to the next level despite the several months lost school work.


The effect on the striking educators? Not much, they continue to be paid their full salary while on strike. By the end of November, the government was threatening to fire and replace some 2,400+ elementary and high school principals.


New Costa Rican Fiscal Plan


How a VAT System Works

What set off the national strikes in the beginning was a proposal by the current government to institute a new "fiscal plan" which includes conversion of the current sales tax system (13%) to one that is VAT (Value Added Tax) based.


One of the attractions for the VAT is that it is much more difficult for a vendor to hide a non-taxed sale as they have to pay on the value transferred from their supplier. There are many opportunities in the current system to avoid paying the tax - a system often referred to as the "informal market".


The new law will also be applied over a broader base of taxable products and services such as "professional fees, gym memberships, even Netflix+". In addition higher-end incomes (+4 million colones per month - about $6,700) will pay up to 25% more in income taxes while putting a cap on high-end public sector and freezing certain bonuses for two years,


This law was passed a couple of months ago but under current law must be passed a second time (don't ask). After the first pass the unions challenged the law in the constitutional court but that court recently ruled that there were no irregularities in procedure so the second passage may proceed on a simple rather than a two-thirds majority vote requirement. With that ruling the second passage is likely to happen soon.



Futbol News - Sele Bouncing Back


You may recall that the National Costa Rican Selection Team had gotten a new coach (Gustavo Matosas) after their lackluster performance at the last World Cup. We commented last month that the first two international "friendlies" games, i.e., not counting as a WC qualifier, also went bad for the Ticos. In the last issue GG cried out to Matosas to build a fire under his new Sele team. Evidently Gus heard me as the Ticos won their next two friendlies, lastly beating Peru 3-2. Go Ticos!


Futbol News - Quepos Championship


Not all Futbol News is about the quadrennial world cup, sometimes it's all local. GG wandered into my local futsal (indoor soccer arena) recently and found a campeonata (championship) or torneo (tournament) going on. It turns out it is simply a competition among several teams that play there but the tourney competition brings out the best (and meanest) in players and certainly is fun to watch.


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Although I usually watch only one half to three quarters of a game in an evening I watched one of these matches all the way through because it was so good. I took a short video (left) as an example. The dudes in the blue striped uniforms are my guys because they work in the neighborhood. Watch one of these blue-striped amigos sneak a goal into the lower left corner of the net from a considerable distance away.


Several of the Quepos guys on this team work at Super Jordix, a supermarket only two blocks away from the futsal and also two blocks from where I live. A trip to that market wouldn't be the same without chatting about futbol, past, present or future.


Personal Milestone


On November 27, 2018 GG celebrated 75 years on this planet (we don't talk about my previous life on another planet - it makes some people nervous). Yup, on that winter day in 1943 two days after Thanksgiving (I remember it well), while World War II was raging in Europe and the Pacific, Dora Mae (Dumas) Normand, wife of Fred. E. Normand, gave birth to their sixth child and third son, later christening him Robert Arthur Normand.


I want to thank all my family and friends for their good wishes for this special birthday and the Big Guy upstairs for a great life. (If you're a glutton for historical familial punishment, check out an article I wrote back in January 2016 I called: Morphology of a Golden Gringo or Nostalgia Is Not What It Used To Be).


¡Pura Vida!


Rumble and Weather Talk

The rains are not gone but are ameliorating. Hopefully we're getting well beyond the several dozen tropical waves and cold fronts that inundated much of central and northern Costa Rica for the last few months. More and more mornings are showing signs of summer moving in on schedule, like in mid-December. Let's hope.


Pacific Rim Still Quite Active


In mid-November the appropriately named Fuego (fire) volcano up in Guatemala (about 500 miles northwest of San José as the ash flies) had an eruption that caused the evacuation of some 4,000 people. The Guatemalans in that area are a bit on edge because the same volcano erupted in early November killing over 200.


The Major Tectonic Plates Around the World

Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica continues to have sporadic eruptions. Seismic activity along our portion of the rim is also quite frequent with a 4.2 quake hitting the central valley in late November. A Richter of 4.2 is not normally that significant except this one was almost directly under the capital city of San José and was relatively shallow (10km). Central Valley people felt it.


All of this activity is the result of our two famous tectonic plates, the Cocos and the Caribbean, smashing into each other below the earth's surface. These are the same plates which gave rise to, or formed if you will, the isthmus of Central America several million years ago. These plates still like to make their presence felt.

Check Out Recent Earthquakes Around the World Posted by the U.S. Geodetic Survey: Recent Quakes


Search the Golden Gringo Chronicles Archives for Topics That Interest You


You can use our Archives to search for anything that has been written in more than 220 feature articles of the Golden Gringo Chronicles plus find Broken News items and ROMEO restaurant reviews. Enter your topic or item to search in the Google Search Routine below and follow the links offered from the search results. Suggestion: Enter only a simple, precise and unique as possible keyword or two in order to narrow the number of references retrieved:


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Readers: Our publication is open to suggestions regarding future articles and will accept pieces written by others but we reserve the right to decline anything that the editorial staff (that's GG) thinks is inappropriate for this format. Send proposals, comments, suggestions, ideas, meaningless statements and jocular observations concerning the Chronicles to GG here: gg@goldengringo.com.


Profiles in Quepos
(Dr. Carlos Azofeifa and La Farmacia Economica)

This is a new topical section for the Chronicles. Here, periodically, we will feature a well-known or otherwise interesting individual who is based in Quepos.


One of the first permanent Quepoan residents GG met when I moved here in 2008 was a local pharmacist. I had developed some minor ailment, the nature of which I now forget. It was probably related to a cold or flu, something I got more frequently back then. A resident friend said to me: "Go see Dr. Carlos at the pharmacy".


I thought it a bit strange that a doctor operated out of a pharmacy but soon learned that Carlos has a degree in pharmacy and is not an M.D. I learned later that when you are accepted and drafted into the College of Pharmacists after receiving your "licenciatura" (B.S.) you receive the honorary title of Dr. of Pharmacy. I've also learned since then that, for most non-critical problems, it's best first to check with Dr. Carlos for what you may need. If he can't help then it's good to move on to an M.D. and Carlos will be the first to suggest you do that, a level of honesty I appreciate.


Carlos A. - Day Off

Carlos Azofeifa Charpentier (turns out his mom was half French) was born in 1981 making him 37 at this writing. He grew up in San José and attended the Pharmacy School at Unibe University. Unibe is shorthand for the University of Iberoamerica which has many campuses throughout the Latin American world. Unibe specializes in Medicine, Pharmacy, Psychology and Nursing.


Carlos attended the San José branch of Unibe from 1998 to 2002 receiving his "licenciatura" (essentially a B.S.) in pharmacy. He quickly got a job at a pharmacy in the town of Poas near the volcano. He supplemented that work with more grueling weekend work at another pharmacy where he worked two-day shifts of 9 AM Saturday to 6 PM Sunday and similarly on Sunday/Monday (it's good to be young).


Carlos was soon asked by one of his employers if he would spend a year in Quepos helping run a Fischel pharmacy already well established in the town under the Fischel chain's Cathedral store brand. He jumped at the chance.


La Farmacia Economica #1

Not long after that another pharmacy supply company asked him if he would be interested in opening his own store if they provided the product on consignment (as an old business consultant, GG would call that offer schweeet). Carlos agreed and opened his first store under his own company name. La Farmacia Economica was born. LFE #1 was and still is located a short distance up main street in Quepos towards the futbol field from the Cruz Roja (Red Cross) office.


La Farmacia Economica #2

Within a short time Carlos found himself opening two more LFE branches, this time in Manuel Antonio, one across from the futbol stadium and another 50 meters from the beach near the center. Eventually Carlos would close both these stores due to spotty and seasonal demand but these efforts and work on other locations gave him experience in how to add branches. Fischel, an old friend and some time employer, ended up renting a store from LFE in a building across the street from the bus station (Galleria Commercial Quepos - photo above). Fischel later decided to pull out and Carlos simply converted the store to LFE #2.


La Farmacia Economica #6

As of this writing, La Farmacia Economic has six branches in operation: LFE #1 (still 50 yards up the street from Cruz Roja), LFE#2 (Galleria Comercial Plaza), Plaza Hospital (across the street from Quepos Hospital), Plaza Coral - Jacó, Escazu (Guachepilin) and the newest addition: Plaza Quepos (across the street from Pali - LFE #6). On most afternoons, when not visiting his other operations, Carlos can be found at his office at #6, available for consultations.


Carlos the Guitarist

Can a busy, young entrepreneur like Carlos find any time to pursue interests other than business? Carlos has had no problem in that regard. The photo shown above of him emerging from the 4,000 meter competitive swim as part of a triathlon reflects his interest in sports and health. And then there is his penchant for playing guitar. When I first met him he was playing in a band along with the son of my landlord and he continues to exercise his interest in music to this day.


Monica and Carlos

As he was building his business during the early years, Carlos found himself having to hire a number of pharmacists to staff his growing business. His connection with Unibe and their annual graduating classes provided good talent to choose from.


One early hire was a lady named Monica and later, in the way nature works, she became more than an employee. About five years ago Monica became Mrs. Carlos and about two months ago the couple became proud parents of a little girl whom they christened Isabel. ¡Felicidades amigos!


So entrepreneurship and family life are alive and well in the Quepos area, just ask Carlos.


Very special congratulations on Isabel amigos!


¡Pura Vida!



¿Que es Eso? Department (¿What is That?)



Maybe It's a Mackerel With an Attitude?


Or a Tuna With a New Hairdo?


If you're a serious fisherman, you'll already know this species which is common in Costa Rica Waters.


Answer in What's-in-a-Word section below.




¡Solo Bueno!



Making the Case for Quepos
(Why People Move Here)

Cantón de Quepos

GG has worked with International Living Magazine for about a year and a half now and written over a dozen articles for IL's various divisions. I was recently asked to write a piece for their website specifically on the Quepos area and why it attracts people, particularly retirees.


When GG and others talk "Quepos" it is generally regarded as including all the communities within the Cantón (County) of Quepos including the town of Quepos, the sister communities of Manuel Antonio and Inmaculada; Naranjito, Londres and Villanueva to the East; all the way to the northern boundary at the mouth of the Rio Damas and going south across the Rio Savegre, beyond Matapalo to the mouth of the Rio Barú.


What follows is what I wrote for IL.


Quepos, Costa Rica
Small Town Pacific Paradise

Costa Rica remains one of the most popular destinations for tourists and retirees in the world. The allure of tropical rain forests, a dozen exotic volcanoes to explore, unparalleled beaches on both sides of the country and a friendly population attract visitors from all over the world. North Americans find that air connections are frequent, quick (2-3 hours) and inexpensive ($200-300) from many of the most important hubs all across the U.S.


Airline service to Costa Rica has grown steadily over the last decade and that trend is expected to continue for at least the next decade. Both international airports (San José near the capital and Liberia in the northwest) have been significantly expanded in recent years and a third major international airport is in the planning stages. North American airlines that offer frequent service to Costa Rica include Air Canada, Alaska Air, US Airways, American Airlines, Frontier, Delta, JetBlue, United, Spirit and Southwest. European service has now expanded to include Iberia, Air France, Condor, British Airways, Edelweiss, Lufthansa and KLM. Latin American service includes Aeromexico, Avianca and Copa with connections to virtually everywhere in the Americas.

Beach in Manuel Antonio Park

While almost half the population resides in the central valley surrounding the capital city of San José, the remainder of the five million Costa Ricans are dispersed in relatively small concentrations throughout the country, particularly along the coastal areas. The Pacific Coast of Costa Rica is much longer (1,016 km or 631 miles) than the Atlantic/Caribbean coast which is 212 kilometers (132 miles). Those distances of course measure the shoreline which is very irregular (and which help make it beautiful) yet is home to many, many scenic spots to house an impromptu picnic or a dip in the warm waters of the Pacific.

Though generally tropical overall, Costa Rica displays several distinct micro-climates ranging from rainforests in the southern part of the country, to dry plains in the northwest (Guanacaste) to cool mountain air in the central range to warm-water beaches on both coasts. For those seeking to capture it all there are many locations where both mountains and beaches are a short drive away from each other.

You can get a bit chilly near the top of some mountains and many prefer the cool mountain breezes in the central range. But the country, like in the song about Camelot, does not allow any form of snow or ice. There are only two seasons: 1) summer (roughly December 15 to May 15), when the days are dry, hot and offer incredibly beautiful beach weather and 2) winter, which is the rest of the year, also known as the rainy season because on most days it offers rain in the afternoon and evening, keeping everything lush and green.

The Cantón and City of Quepos

Situated smack in the middle of the Pacific Coast, about a two hour ride from San José, is the town of Quepos, a burg of about 10,000 permanent residents. The town is in the Province of Puntarenas and the Cantón (county) (also called Quepos) is named after its principal city. The canton is about 86 square miles in area and has a population of around 30,000. The town’s name originally came from the indigenous tribe, the Quepoas, who occupied the area long before the Spanish came in the 1500’s.

Retirement and Lifestyle in Quepos

Many people are finding Quepos very attractive for retirement for several reasons. The steady climate and lower variation from average highs to average lows compared to the north is one of them. The average high temperature over twelve months in Quepos runs in the low 80’s and the average low temperature in the high 60’s. It’s interesting to note that four months of the year the average high in Quepos is less than in Florida and, in a different four months of the year, the average low in the sunshine state is equal to or less than Quepos. Think of the climate here as being less variable, more consistent and always warm.

Another attraction is excellent health care through both the national public service and also access to a thriving private health care system. Quepos is fully integrated into the national health system and boasts its own hospital with an ever increasing array of specialists. Private health care is much less expensive than the U.S.A. and is the major reason for a substantial “medical tourism” industry here, that is, people come here for private treatment to save considerable sums on treatments and procedures versus what they can purchase the same for in North America.

Kissing Monkeys (Carablancas)

People also come here because they  fall in love with the wildness of Costa Rica. Green mountain trails with incredible views punctuated frequently by natural waterfalls are common and some of those views include the jagged coastline mentioned above.


Wildlife teems in the rainforests here. One statistic is that Costa Rica inhabits some 6% of all the biodiversity on the planet even though it takes up only .03% of Earth’s land, a biodiversity ratio of 200:1. Manuel Antonio national park, contiguous with the town of Quepos, and the most visited national park in the country, offers rainforest trails leading to amazing views of a variety of monkeys, sloths, butterflies, reptiles and much more.

nother attraction for retirees is the relatively stable government and friendly attitude of the people. The democratic republic of Costa Rica has demonstrated a consistent and peaceful change of power every four years since the founding of the Second Republic in 1949. At that time it was decided to abolish the army, directing more money towards education. The populace has often and continuously been rated as the happiest people on the planet by organizations such as the Happy Planet Index.

In addition to the natural attractions offered in the Quepos area, there are many other diversions available to the visitor or expat resident. Among these are an array of national parks within a short driving distance, jungle tours (day and night), whitewater rafting on several rivers, ziplining,  kayaking, snorkeling, parasailing, mangrove tours and bird-watching expeditions as well as catamaran tours for whale and dolphin watching, just to name a few. Quepos also offers access to some of the best sports fishing in the world in billfish such as marlin and sailfish as well as tuna and snapper. One recent catch was a world record 60 pound black Snook taking the record away from the previous 57 pounder, also caught in Costa Rica off Quepos.

Real Estate

Main Street Quepos

Real estate, both rental and purchase, are available and plentiful in the area to fit every desire. Whether you seek a large retreat suitable for several adult occupants with an infinity pool overlooking the Pacific, a cozy cottage in the canton countryside or a piece of land on which to do your own thing, the Quepos area offers properties to fit every need and budget. Like in many coastal areas such as Florida costs rise quickly the closer you get to the ocean but you can often find a bargain in almost any venue if you look hard enough.

Cost of Living in Quepos

2-BR Cottage Example

In general utilities like electricity (96% of which is renewable-sourced), water, some food items, gasoline (which is imported) are somewhat more expensive in Costa Rica than in North America. Offsetting these are locally grown vegetables and fruits and services such as medical, veterinary, housing costs, mechanical and plumbing repairs which tend to be less than U.S. averages. Basically, because of much lower wage and salary levels compared to the north, services with higher labor content usually are a relative bargain.

Here’s an example of the costs associated with a middle-sized cottage property contracted as a rental (left).

(End of article)


Actually, my budget is $2-400 per month less than the example above but I live singly, in an apartment and choose not to have a car.


¡Solo Bueno!



Health Stuff

Note: The information given in this section is offered as news information only and does not indicate GGC confirmation or denial of the accuracy of the treatment or a recommendation to pursue it, nor can we or do we guarantee the efficacy of the results nor validity of the conclusions proffered. (How's that for a disclaimer amigos?)


Rabies Victim Dies


The visiting biologist who contracted rabies from the bite of a bat, reported in last month's Chronicle, has succumbed to the disease. The 43-year old died Wednesday, November 15 in the Intensive Care Unit at San Juan de Dios Hospital in San José of cardiorespiratory failure. He had been in that ICU under treatment since October 21. He suffered the bat bite in August 15 but the symptoms didn't develop until weeks later. This is a very sad reminder that animal bites need to be treated promptly.


Prayers and condolences go out to his family.


Kissing Bug


Continuing along the line that Costa Rica is wild and wonderful but one needs to respect the potential hazards of that wonderful wildness, here is a bug to watch out for. It is estimated that several million people are infected with the disease caused by this bug but don't know it.


Chinche or Kissing Bug

In Costa Rica the bug is called a "chinche" but is better known around Latin America as the kissing bug. It's a small bug, only about 1/2 to 1" long, about the size of a penny. This bug likes to bite (kiss) you near the eyes or mouth and then deposit a parasite that can bring on a disease called chagras; the disease not exhibiting its symptoms for as long as several years after incubation. Chagras can damage the heart to the point of sudden death and/or seriously effect other organs. Early treatment can cure it but left unchecked it can reach the chronic stage which can be fatal.


See more details here: https://news.co.cr/costa-rican-kissing-bugs-the-kiss-of-death/76345/.


¡Pura Vida!



Travel Quote of the Month


GGC Bookshelf

drfGGC Publications Group is the parent organization that publishes the Golden Gringo Chronicles as well as a number of books and paraphernalia related to the Chronicles and Costa Rica. The GGC Bookshelf also includes works from a number of other authors that belong to the Quepos-Manuel Antonio Writers Group in which GGC has been a founding member.


Here are the books currently on our bookshelf:


jio uio
The Chronicles as a Narrative

Mariposa - English

Mariposa - Español Small Business Guide
Read More Read More Leer más aquí Read More
Overcoming Drinking Making Time Count Spiritual Love Connection Murder or Suicide?
Read More Read More Read More Read More
There's Room for
More on the QMA Writers Group Bookshelf
Getting Around the Capital Retiring in Costa Rica World War II True Story  
Read More Read More Read More  


All of the above books are available on Amazon.com and the "Read More" links above will lead you to them. You can find more detail on all of them on our GGC Publications Page.


GGC Publications also offers some accessories and paraphernalia related to the Chronicles and with Costa Rican themes, to wit






a. Golden Gringo Chronicles with Logo,

b. Official Golden Gringo with Monkey on Banana Hammock,

c. ¡Quepo en Quepos! ("I Fit In Quepos!") with Photo of Quepos,

d. Wanna Monkey Around? - Come on Down! with Photo of White Face Monkey,

e. It's OK to be Slothful with photo of Three-Toed Sloth.


The t-shirts are available in several colors, styles and sizes. See them all HERE.


Coffee Mugs:


a. Golden Gringo, b. Wanna Monkey Around?, c. It's OK to be Slothfulgty

See them all HERE:

What's life without a great cup of Costa Rican coffee? And it tastes even better in a Golden Gringo Chronicles mug!


¡Solo Bueno!


"Tell me and I forget; teach me and I remember; involve me and I learn"
Benjamin Franklin

Answer to Que Es Eso?


gtyThat's a roosterfish. GG has never caught one but many anglers report they're a hell of a fighting sport fish (any fish with a "do" like that and a mug like that has got to have an attitude). Roosterfish are common in the eastern Pacific from California down to Peru. The all-tackle world record for a roosterfish was caught off Baja, California in June 1960 and was 51.71 kg (114 lb 0 oz). That's a lot of ceviche amigos.


From Google: "Roosterfish meat is definitely edible, but not too popular with seafood diners. The roosterfish or gallo (guy-oh), as it's called in Spanish (like gallo pinto), is a member of the jack family, and gets its common name from its “rooster comb” of a dorsal fin — the species is said to be one of the most exciting inshore fishes on the line."




This is not only the name of the Kissing Bug (Health Section above) but has other meanings including: 1) bedbug, 2) thumbtack or drawing pin (U.S. and U.K.), 3) nuisance, pest or pain in the... Don't you just love the flexibility of Spanish?



ROMEO Corner
(Retired Old Men Eating Out)


Café Milagro (Manuel Antonio)


Café Milagro Rear Dining Room

Location: Top of Manuel Antonio hill, across the main MA Road from the Promerica Shopping Plaza.

Hours: Daily; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee and Desserts, Cocktails.

Parking: Street-side only.



Tel.: (+506) 2777-2272

Email: restaurant@cafemilagro.com

Website: https://www.cafemilagro.com


Reviewing ROMEOS: Bob N., Charlotte H., Glen N.


To Review Our Rating System Go Here: R.O.M.E.O. Rating System


This restaurant was last reviewed by the ROMEOs in October 2013; see that review here:

Cafe Milagro 2013.


Café Milagro was originally started by a young couple about 20 years ago who fell in love with Costa Rica and, after graduating from college, realized their dream and moved here. They have been roasting coffee during most of that time and have developed and expanded their proprietary brands to include some specialty and exotic items. Milagro maintains their own roasting plant in downtown Quepos along the waterfront.


GG first tasted their oscuro (dark roast) version in 2003 and fell in love with it, sending back to Florida, during frequent visits, a case at a time. There still is a sizable and active store for coffees and their ecountriments within the Manuel Antonio restaurant.


Cafe Milagro Roadside Dining Deck

The layout of the restaurant hasn't changed much in recent years although I don't recall if the rear dining room was in operation in October of 2013. There is a roadside deck, an inside dining area leading up to the coffee bar and the rear dining room set in a tropical garden. The decorations and tables are basic, the furniture utilitarian but colorful with some padding on the seats (thanks). On this visit the ROMEOs gave Café Milagro a 3.8/5.0 sloth rating for ambiance.


For a menu we were given a booklet that housed breakfast, lunch and dinner offerings with a fair selection of appetizers, main courses of varying types as well as desserts. The menu looked diverse enough to give even the most persnickety or health-minded consumers a choice of options.


One ROMEO took a salad to start and remarked it to be fresh, tasty and containing just the right amount of dressing.


GG selected a fish fillet done in a passion fruit sauce accompanied by pureed "alamanga", a starchy root vegetable with a nice flavor, quite different from a potato or yucca, along with sautéed vegetables. All tasty and good. One ROMEO joined me on that offering while the other went for a pollo caribe, slices of chicken in a not-too-spicy Caribbean sauce.


Not unusually, GG was the only one to order dessert; a coffee flan, a type I hadn't seen in other places. I guess that's the influence of being a coffee roaster making its mark.


The composite score for food quality came in at 4.7/5.0.

Value Index= 113


We were served by a waitress who was friendly, helpful and was pleasantly surprised when one of the ROMEOs noticed that she had been over-refunded after paying the bill to the tune of about 2,000 colonies. Composite score for service came in 4.5/5.0. That gave a composite score for ambiance, food quality and service of 4.3/5.0.


My bill for a strawberry/pineapple batido, the passion fruit fish and the coffee flan came in at 16,300 colones (about $27). The composite score for cost came in at 3.8$/5$ yielding a Value Index of 4.3/3.8*100=113 about mid-range in our current list of reviewed restaurants in the area.


Of particular interest to GG is the fact that the rating since our last review came in significantly improved over our assessment in 2013. Bueno.


¡Solo Bueno!




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Bob Normand, Editor

& The Golden Gringo
Pura Vida!

To Contact GGC World Headquarters (yuk, yuk) to make comments, suggest topics or criticize my bad jokes, just send an email to: gg@goldengringo.com.


Be pithy but kind; I'm sensitive.








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